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Protect Yourself from Scams!

If it sounds too good to be true, it is.

Scammers are taking money for properties they do not have the right to rent. Watch for signs of a scam and protect yourself.

IMPORTANT! Do not ignore the signs of a scam due to social distancing.

You can still coordinate a safe viewing of the property and verify the identity of a landlord BEFORE you pay anything.

A scam may have one or more of these signs:

  • You find the same property listed on other services with different rent or contact information.
  • The deal is too good to be true.
  • They want your credit card information right away.
  • They ask you to wire money or send money using an app.
  • The landlord is out of town or out of the country and cannot meet you.
  • The address is not disclosed.
  • The rent is very low, and the landlord offers to pay all utilities.
  • The landlord will not speak with you on the phone or let you into a property to view it, but note that some scammers will speak with you and even let you into a property they do not own.

Protect yourself!

  • DO NOT pay any deposits or rent until you are certain you have signed a valid lease with someone who has the right to rent you a property.
  • DO NOT share your credit card information right away.
  • DO NOT wire money or send money using an app.
  • DO NOT call phone numbers embedded in photos on this website or that have been spelled out (like "seven-oh-four").
  • DO avoid situations where you feel pressured or uncomfortable.
  • DO search the address of the property online to see if it is offered elsewhere with different contact information or rent.
  • DO screen your landlord. Ask them questions and search their name online. Read online reviews of the property and check public records for complaints, foreclosure status, and criminal activity.

If you believe you have been a victim of fraud, contact your local law enforcement agency.

To report a listing on this service that you think is a scam, click here .

The New Jersey Housing Resource Center is Funded and Administered by the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency
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