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St. Louis City and County Community Resources:
(Also see the sponsor resources listed at the bottom of this page)
St. Louis Housing Authority
3520 Page Boulevard    St. Louis, MO  63106
Phone - 314.286.4357    Fax - 314.531.0184
Housing Authority of St. Louis County
8865 Natural Bridge    St. Louis, MO  63121
Phone - 314.428.3200    Fax - 314.428.2937
Outside Link Catholic Charities

Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of Saint Louis, is the largest private provider of social services in the state of Missouri. Organized as a federation, Catholic Charities is comprised of 14 agencies offering more than 100 programs to assist, on average, more than 100,000 poor and impoverished people annually.

Race, creed and ethnic background play no role in determining who receives help from Catholic Charities. Need is the only criterion.

Catholic Charities, Archdiocese of St. Louis
4532 Lindell Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
phone: 314.367.5500
email:  Outside link to a

Outside Link Community Alternatives: Housing Assistance Services

"We have the same goal as landlords- housing responsible tenants in safe, permanent housing."

·A case manager will act as liaison between client/tenant and landlord providing on-going support and conflict resolution (if needed)
·A case manager will visit client/tenant weekly at apartment for first six months to go over landlord/tenant obligations and identify and resolve problems-additional visits as appropriate
·A case manager works with client/tenant to set up an individual money management plan
·A case manager will help landlords navigate through "the red tape" associated with housing subsidies
·If eviction of client/tenant is absolutely unavoidable, a case manager will work with the landlord and the client/tenant to make the process run smoothly
·24 hour crisis beeper coverage is provided to clients

For more information, call Bonnie, Director of Community Development, at 314-772-8801 ext. 276.

Outside Link Community Information Network (CIN)

The Official Web Site of The City of St. Louis
From accessing City Goverment to Neighborhood Information and everything in between, this site offers convenient access to many of the City of St. Louis' online governemnt services and a welath of information about the City.

Some examples of the types of information you will find:

Outside Link DOORWAYS

4385 Maryland Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63108
phone: 314-535-1919
fax: 314-535-0909

Mission: Doorways, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation, is the only organization in the St. Louis area whose sole mission is to provide affordable, secure housing and related outreach for people with HIV/AIDS. This mission is based on the conviction, confirmed by 15 years of experience and recent research, that stable housing is the primary requisite for the most effective and compassionate treatment, management, and prevention of the disease.

History: Community leaders and representatives from the area’s major religious denominations founded Doorways in 1988. Their purpose was to address the growing need for housing for people with HIV/AIDS, especially the very poor and medically indigent.

Population Served:Doorways serves all individuals affected by HIV/AIDS, regardless of race, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, status as a disabled or Vietnam-era veteran, mental or physical disability. A fundamental concern is for the very poor and underserved, those who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless.

Programs: Housing is healthcare. Doorways programs allow persons living with HIV/AIDS to focus on treating their illness, rather than on homelessness, hunger, and looming financial crises.

The Supportive Housing Facility provides 36 beds for residents whose HIV related illnesses require 24-hour nursing, medication, and nutrition care. This facility is the only one of its kind in the region and one of only a few in the nation. In spite of the poor health of clients upon arrival at Doorways Supportive Housing Facility, over 70% become well enough to move to independent housing.

The Own Home Program provides over $1 million a year in rent and utility subsidies for individuals and families who are able to remain in their own homes but cannot afford these basic expenses. This program serves more than 600 people each year.

The Residential Program provides 80 subsidized apartments with supportive services at four sites in St. Louis for low income individuals and families with HIV/AIDS who are capable of independent living but whose financial and health issues limit their ability to pay market-rate rents. Programming includes medication adherence and HIV prevention education, childcare, household management, practices for avoiding infections, and nutrition. Doorways’ staff works with local officials to stabilize the children’s education. Job readiness training and assistance with job searches are available for those who are able to work. At two buildings dedicated to single mothers and their children, an on-site Learning Center offers computer training and other educational programming to both parents and children.

The Clearinghouse develops cooperative property managers, maintains lists of available rental units, and provides placement assistance and outreach to all HIV-affected individuals and their families. Doorways helps clients find homes and works with landlords to insure housing stability. In addition, Doorways provides central intake and coordination for over 90% of the 400 specifically HIV dedicated beds in the St. Louis EMSA, and works closely with HUD, Shelter Plus Care, the Urban League, the United Way, and the St. Louis Housing Authority to gain housing for people with HIV/AIDS that is funded from non-AIDS specific sources.

The Need: Persons living with AIDS face profound financial, physical, and spiritual challenges. They often lose their jobs, their health insurance, and even their homes. They are unable to access social services, substance abuse treatment, and mental health programs. Homeless people living with HIV/AIDS have no place to keep their medicine, rest, and obtain proper meals, and fresh water. As a result, some physicians refuse to prescribe complicated medication regimens, dooming the homeless to even more rapid progression of the disease.

The Impact: According to the CHAIN report published by Columbia University’s School of Public Health, people living with HIV/AIDS who have secure housing are 4 times more likely to enter and remain in appropriate medical care than those in need of housing, 9.5 times more likely to receive help from social services, 8 times more likely to receive drug therapy, 7.25 times more likely to receive mental health services, and 6.25 times more likely to enter substance abuse programs.

The high tech nursing, infusion therapy, medication adherence program, and nutrition programs provided at Doorways Supportive Housing Facility are estimated to save Medicaid over $1 million per year in reduced emergency room visits and hospitalizations.

Since 1988, Doorways has served more than 3,250 individuals and their families. Today, Doorways receives over 200 new referrals each year and serves approximately 475 individuals and 80 children each month.

Outside Link Grace Hill (Please visit their website for details on programs)


Grace Hill Settlement House, Inc., for years recognized as an essential component in our community's system for stabilization and care-giving for the disadvantaged, works in cooperation with city, county, state, federal and private sector agencies, throughout nine primary neighborhoods in St. Louis City and County and St. Charles County. Through the provision of a broad safety net and a thousand helping hands, our purpose is to assist the disadvantaged in impoverished neighborhoods, by equipping them with the necessary survival tools to achieve independence, thrive, and live with dignity, along with curtailing the cycle of dependence through the stabilization of families and the neighborhoods in which they live.

Grace Hill's wide range of interconnected services and programs are delivered through neighborhood-based operations that reflect our core philosophy of "neighbors helping neighbors". It is our neighbors themselves, working with supervision, training and support of professionals that provide much of our services through the Member Organized Resource Exchange (MORE) System.

The MORE System enables our neighbors to personally improve their lives and those of their fellow neighbors, by allowing them to be the primary planners and providers of services to other neighbors. The MORE System operates through an electronic communication and training system, an internal education system (The Neighborhood College) and an extensive barter system (The MORE Time Dollar Program).

Because it is economical and makes our neighbors self-sufficient, Grace Hill's MORE System is much admired and in recent years has been copied in other cities both in the USA and Europe. Grace Hill Settlement House, Inc. programs include:
Infant and Childcare Programs
Youth Programs
Family Stabilization Programs

Education/Economic Stabilization Programs
Grace Hill is committed to the care and education of the children in our communities. Keeping in tune with our philosophy of "neighbors helping neighbors," we offer several programs to assist with the overall well being of a child through our childcare provider programs, two state licensed and accredited day care centers, and our seven federally subsidized Head Start sites and six partner sites.

The underlying purpose of our Childcare Provider Parenting (CO-CARE) is to prevent child abuse and neglect. Teen mothers are taught basic parenting skills, and a separate course is provided for fathers. The program also provides a 120-hour course for professional child care providers, who often go on to receive certification. CO-CARE has already exceeded its goals for parents to learn about child abuse and neglect in its children's trust fund, "Parents as Protectors" program. This adds a important pool of talent in our neighborhoods, addressing the need for day care services and providing employment for the professional.

Grace Hill's two day care centers, the Patch Day Care Center and the Grace Hill Children's Center, are licensed by the city of St. Louisand the State of Missouri. Both centers are composed of highly trained and experienced childcare staff that provide children with daily experiences, stimulating child growth through curricula, which is approved by licensing and accrediting agencies.

Grace Hill is also a co-administrator of St. Louis city's federally subsidized Head Start Program to provide Head Start Services to 1,500 children. Head Start, recognized as one of the most cost-effective and successful federal programs for children, is a comprehensive child development program that provides income-eligible pre-school children with the educational and social tools they need to prepare for kindergarten.

Tutoring, Youth Councils and Leadership
Grace Hill has established programs to involve children, youth and young adults in the volunteer and helping hands process within their neighborhoods.

Grace Hill works with the St. Louis Public School System in a unique tutoring program. Excelling high school students are assigned to grammar school students in need of tutoring. The high school students receive training and are paid a stipend for their services.

High school students who have completed the Youth Leadership course are then prepared to participate on youth councils operating in nine neighborhoods. Annually, 90 youths are trained in neighborhood-based youth and intergenerational activities.

Grace Hill recognizes that youth residing in St. Louis' most desolate and isolated neighborhoods need to learn self-reliance and leadership. Therefore, the MORE for Youth Program was established to assist youth ages 13 - 18 grow through life skills training programs, support groups, social activities, volunteer and employment experiences.

Grace Hill has also established an AmeriCorps program for neighbors 18 and up, in which they learn teamwork, conflict resolution, and good work ethics. They are responsible for developing the 11-mile Riverfront Trail, a major community resource. Participants also gain opportunities to enter non-traditional career paths in botany and environment preservation.

Through the System to Assure Elderly Services (STAES), able seniors bring care, resources and support into the homes of their more frail, elderly neighbors, many of whom are bedridden and unable to care for themselves.

Grace Hill is unique in its ability to serve homeless families through our MORE Home. Our programs not only provide shelter to families facing homelessness, but provides an overall service program to stabilize these families by providing them with skills to combat the educational, social and economic barriers preventing them from obtaining and maintaining permanent housing.

Grace Hill understands that the major keys to the stabilization and success of our neighbors and neighborhoods is access to education and economic situations that will assist with improving the quality of life in these impoverished areas. Grace Hill has several programs to combat educational and economic barriers, such as neighborhood colleges, welfare to work programs, business development and a bartering system.

Neighborhood College
The Neighborhood College is an essential component of our service delivery system. It enables neighbors to provide services to help each other. It offers a series of courses, which have been developed to help our neighbors in all aspects of their lives, to assist them in moving from welfare to work, and to help them acquire basic skills needed for more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Career Centers
To overcome barriers preventing participants from obtaining and maintaining employment, Career Centers are located in each Grace Hill neighborhood. Our Career Centers offers a variety of services and activities to support and link participants to resources they need in transitioning from welfare to work.

Women's Business Center
The Grace Hill Women's Business Center (WBC) encourages and supports entrepreneurs through training and development of small businesses and small business start-ups within our service areas.

Barter System
Grace Hill has a unique volunteer bartering system, the MORE Time Dollar Exchange(MTDE), which brings neighbors together to volunteer their time and wealth of talents to help each other meet day-to-day needs and at the same time earn time dollars equivalent to minimum wage pay for those services. The earned Time Dollars may then be used to exchange services with neighbors, purchase health services at Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Centers, as well as needed items at any of the nine Time Dollar Stores.

Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Centers, Inc., (GHNHC), is a federally qualified community healthcare system funded primarily through the Bureau of Primary Health Care, Health Resources and Services Administration. Grace Hill is nationally recognized for its unique health and wellness programs as well as strong information management systems that measure clinical data outcomes and track patients. With 100 years of skilled, comprehensive health care experience, GHNHC serves our neighbors who are often part of the disadvantaged population, and who, at times, are hindered or excluded from receiving appropriate preventive and medical care. However, they can receive those services and more at any one of our six neighborhood health centers. These are Grace Hill Water Tower, St. Patrick on the north and St. Stephen, Soulard and Grace Hill South on the south side.

Primary Health Care
Through our six health centers, Grace Hill provides preventive health care, continuity of care, and community outreach to our neighbors living in impoverished areas in St. Louis City and St. Louis County. Services include pediatrics, internal medicine, ob/gyn, dental, optometry support services and enabling services include wheelchair accessible transportation, x-ray and mammography services, medical social services, WIC and out stationed DFS workers at each site.

Two of Grace Hill's newest health centers were established in response to specific community needs. Grace Hill @ St. Patrick Health Service was established in the St. Patrick Partnership Center, which houses numerous homeless services providers; and Grace hill South was established in response to the need for bi-lingual and cultural sensitive health care for the immigrant and refugee population settling in South St. Louis.

All Grace Hill physicians have Washington University appointments and admitting privileges at Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis Children's Hospital and Cardinal Glennon Hospital.

Community Health
Grace Hill recognizes the fact that comprehensive healthcare is essential to the well being of our neighbors. We offer a wide range of community health services, such as the In-Home Services Program that provides personal care and homemaker services to the frail elderly and handicapped; High Risk Infant Program that provides nurse home visits to infants until they are 12 months old; Prenatal Care Management to high risk prenatals until after they have given birth, as well as Nurse Case Management services to other special populations such as the homeless.

Health Care to the Homeless
Grace Hill administers the Health Care for the Homeless program in the St. Louis area. Through this program, Grace Hill provides primary care, case management, respite health care and dental services (via our mobile dental van), to almost 10,000 homeless in St. Louis City and St. Charles County.

Respite Care to the Homeless
For our homeless neighbors who are not sick enough to remain in a hospital, but are still too ill to be on the streets, Grace Hill contracts with several homeless shelters to provide them with bed rest and special diets while Grace Hill staff provide nursing care while they recuperate, through our Respite Care for the Homeless program.

Mobile Dental Van
Many homeless individuals not only lack access to primary health care, but also to proper dental care. Grace Hill has established a Mobile Dental Team consisting of a Grace Hill dentist and dental assistant to provide dental care to homeless individuals at eight shelters throughout the St. Louis metropolitan area and St. Charles County, via a customized mobile dental van.

Health to go van
The Health-to-Go Van Pilot Project is Grace Hill's mobile outreach program to residents of the expanded Health Centers' service areas. The four areas of focus are outreach, case management, education and lead poisoning prevention Three vans are outfitted with a TV-VCR for education sessions and are customized to accommodate small group presentations. They also have a cellular phone and a computer connected via cellular modem to Grace Hill's computer network.

Chronic Disease Initiatives
Grace Hill has established an innovative chronic disease management program with seven key initiatives designed to reduce health disparities in our impoverished communities and our neighbors. These include: Breast and Cervical Cancer; Diabetes; Cardiovascular Disease (CVD); Smoking Cessation; Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disease (ADHD); Asthma and Lead Poisoning. The goal of these national initiatives is to improve patient self-management of these chronic conditions. Grace Hill has also participated in a "Redesign the Patient Visit" Initiative with the goal of reducing patient waiting time.

Grace Hill's pharmacy fills patient prescriptions at cost on a sliding fee scale. Over 900 prescriptions are filled daily. Patients with chronic illnesses needing ongoing medication management are enrolled in Indigent Care Programs, established by pharmaceutical companies for patients unable to pay for medications.

Public Housing Primary Care
Grace Hill provides health services to the residents of Clinton-Peabody, LaSalle Park, Blumeyer and other public housing units located in several neighborhoods. Through federal funds designated for the provision of primary care to residents of public housing.

Through St. Stephen's Health Services, Grace Hill provides primary healthcare and support services to almost 4,000 residents of public housing and the surrounding areas.

Grace Hill partners with Peabody, Clay and other elementary schools by providing ongoing health care to their students. The team serves over 700 area residents through the Learning Minds Need On-going Pediatrics (LMNOP) Program.

Children's Developmental Center
The Grace Hill Children's Developmental Center was established to evaluate, assess and treat children ages 2 to 12, with learning and behavioral problems. The Children's Developmental Center utilizes the medical, social and psychological disciplines to identify and treat each child referred.

The purpose of the Children's Developmental Center is to identify and treat or alleviate the stressors that children in our community encounter. After evaluating the physical, social and psychological components of the child's life, recommendations are made to address those problems. Treatment is primarily community-based and taps into the already existing resources of the neighborhood, family and school. Other resources are procured to treat the specific needs of these children and their families.

Reach Out and Read
Grace Hill encourages parents to read to their children, starting in infancy through the Reach Out and Read Program. This process starts in the waiting area in the health center, is reinforced by the pediatrician, and is continued in the home.

Grace Hill has 17 young trainees working through the HealthCorps program in several areas including a group working onan Emergency Preparedness program.

Head Start
"Head Start, administered by the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services is a national program which provides comprehensive developmental services for America's low-income, pre-school children (ages three to five) and social services for their families. Specific services for children focus on education, socio-emotional development, physical and mental health, and nutrition."

The cornerstone of the program is parent and community involvement - which has made it one of the most successful pre-school programs in the country. Approximately 1,400 community-based non-profit organizations and school systems develop unique and innovative programs to meet the specific needs of their communities.

In April 2001, Grace Hill Settlement House was selected to become a Head Start replacement grantee to serve 1,500 eligible children within the City of St. Louis. Its companion agency, Grace Hill Neighborhood Health Centers, Inc., along with Youth In Need (YI N) and Emergency Children's Home (ECHO) formed a partnership that implements a comprehensive Head Start model reaching the most in-need families and their children. Grace Hill has joined the YWCA, the other Grantee serving the city of St. Louis, forming citywide consortium to create and implement a supportive and seamless system. This model proactively addresses a full range of needs by offering flexible program options and expanded capacity for licensed childcare during traditional and non-traditional childcare hours of operation. Unique and key qualities that this partnership brings to Head Start families include in addition to the full range of comprehensive family and child development services:
* Center-Based services,both part day and full day services
* Home-based, servicesfor children and their parents in their own homes through weekly visits from trained Home Visitors

Youth In Need, Inc.
Twenty-seven (27) years of experience with high-need children and families in eastern Missouri, including service sites and experience in the City of St. Louis; a recent (1998) successful Head Start replacement grantee and Early Head Start grantee in the Greater St. Louis Region's counties, a service area immediately adjacent to St. Louis County.

112 years experience in the City of St. Louis with low income families, orphans, children in foster care, children with emergency and special needs and extensive experience with home and neighborhood-based case management and family services.

Outside Link Housing Resources Center - St. Louis city and county Hotline: (314) 802-5444
Mission Statement
To prevent homelessness by helping low-income clients achieve long-term housing stability for themselves and their families. To facilitate entry to emergency shelter when prevention is no longer possible.

Who We Are
Founded by Catholic Charities in 1990 as a hotline for the homeless, the Housing Resource Center serves low-income residents of St. Louis City and County regardless of color, race, creed or nationality. The program tracks available beds at various shelters and finds shelter for those who need it. Services include:

  • Housing and Homelessness Hotline, providing housing-related information and referral to callers;
  • Financial assistance and mediation for families threatened with eviction;
  • Mobile outreach services to homeless persons living on the street;
  • Case management services focusing on goal-setting (education, employment, and life skills);
  • Addressing any obstacles to achieve lasting independence.

Our programs and services include:
Case Management
Eviction/Foreclosure Prevention
Housing and Homelessness Hot Line
Mobile Outreach
Relocation from condemned or inadequate housing

Question or comments? Contact:

Housing Resource Center
800 N. Tucker Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63108
Phone: (314) 802-5440 Fax: (314) 802-5408
Hotline for St. Louis city and county: (314) 802-5444

Outside Link Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council (EHOC)

The Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council (EHOC) works to ensure equal access to housing for all people through education, counseling, investigation and enforcement.

EHOC assists people who are discriminated against in housing because of their race, color, religion, national origin, sex, familial status (children), disability, ancestry, sexual orientation (City of St. Louis only), source of income (City of St. Louis only) and public assistance status (City of St. Charles only).

Persons with disabilities have a right to request a reasonable accommodation in policies or procedures or to make a reasonable modification to the property in order to fully enjoy their housing.

Metropolitan St. Louis Equal Housing Opportunity Council
027 South Vandeventer Avenue, 4th Floor
St. Louis, MO  63110
(314) 534-5800; (800) 555-3951
Fax: (314) 534-2551

Paraquad - Independence for people with disabilities

For information on the following programs, click here

Peer Consultation Program

Personal Assistance Services

Independent Adult Living Program

Information and Referral--includes Words with Dignity

Community Outreach

Youth and Family Services

Deaf and Hard of Hearing Program

Employment Program

Accessible Housing Clearinghouse

Paraquad, Inc.
5240 Oakland Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110

Outside Link Salvation Army

Through its many programs and services, which include job training, housing, day care and counseling, The Salvation Army assisted nearly 125,000 St. Louisans last year.

The Salvation Army has five Corps Community Centers in St. Louis that provide numerous programs and services for men, women and children of all ages. Activities include worship services, educational training, social services, character-building programs and recreational activities.

Those centers, plus six social service facilities, allow The Salvation Army to offer a wide variety of assistance to those in need. Services include shelter, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, transitional housing, utility assistance, emergency disaster services, day care and latchkey programs and low-income housing.

Outside Link St. Patrick Center

Mission: St. Patrick Center provides opportunities for self-sufficiency and dignity to persons who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Individuals achieve permanent, positive changes in their lives through affordable housing, sound mental health, employment and financial stability.

Work: St. Patrick Center is the largest provider of homeless services in Missouri with more than 20 housing, employment and mental health programs, assisting more than 9,000 persons annually. St. Patrick Center helps individuals and families move from homelessness to independence in a measurable, cost-effective manner.

Ph: (314) 802.0687
Outside link to a website.

Community Action Agency of St. Louis County, Inc. (CAASTLC)

Offers a multitude of programs and services (click for details)

Counseling Program

  • individual & family counseling,
  • drug & alcohol counseling,
  • a drug & alcohol therapy program to assist people struggling to establish and maintain sobriety,
  • a drug & alcohol aftercare maintenance program designed to involve people in positive activities and extend supportive contact, and
  • a drug & alcohol program designed specifically for women.

Emergency Services: CAASTLC has several emergency services designed to meet the immediate needs of low-income individuals or families.

Employment Development Program: CAASTLC has an Employment Development Program that is designed to help motivated job candidates find and retain employment in their communities.

Energy Services: CAASTLC's Energy Services program is designed to alleviate the immediate threat of utility service disconnection and assist residents in getting utility service restored to their homes.

Energy Rated Homes: CAASTLC offers a home energy rating service designed to reduce a home's energy costs by lowering the amount of energy usage.

Family Intake, Assessment and Referral: CAASTLC operates a Family, Intake, Assessment and Referral program whereby all persons seeking assistance are screened to determine eligibility and appropriate needs.

Family Literacy - GED Program: CAASTLC offers a Family Literacy - GED Program for people who have not completed high school or not obtained a GED.

Family Support Case Management: CAASTLC offers Family Support Case Management services designed to assist the participants in becoming self-sufficient through employment and/or educational goals.

H2O Help Program: CAASTLC has partnered with Missouri American Water to administer H2O Help, which is a program designed to help provide supplemental funding to Missouri American Water customers who would otherwise have trouble paying their bill.

Housing Assistance: CAASTLC has a comprehensive housing program including: Housing Placement, Rent/Mortgage Assistance, Transitional Housing, and Home Ownership.

Income Guidelines: This page lists the income guidelines that CAASTLC operates its programs and services under.

Individual Development Accounts: An Individual Development Account, "IDA," is a matched savings account designed to help participants achieve their long-term financial goals - specifically buying a home.

Life Skills Classes: CAASTLC offers several classes to help people achieve their potential through education and training.

Probation & Parole Programs: CAASTLC offers several programs to assist residents of St. Louis County meet the terms of their probation and parole. For programs and contact information.

RISK/Gang Prevention: RISK/Gang Prevention is a set of services expanded to reach youths and their families who are at-risk of involvement in or are involved in gang activities, violence, illegal acts and/or other related activities.

Step Up To Leadership: Step Up to Leadership is designed for income eligible community-minded people wanting to make a difference.

Weatherization Assistance Program: The Weatherization Assistance Program is designed to reduce the impact of high home energy costs for low-income residents.

2709 Woodson Rd.
Overland, MO 63114-4817

(314) 863-0015
FAX (314) 863-1252

YouthBuild St. Louis

Are You (or is someone you know):
• male or female between 17 and 24 years old
• unemployed
• without high school diploma or GED
• drug-free
• resident of St. Louis City
• serious and committed
• interested in learning construction
• interested in helping rehabilitate affordable housing.

YouthBuild St. Louis
93 N Oaks Plz
St. Loius, MO 63121
Telephone: 314-261-0202

Visit the Website:


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