Our Solutions

Expand housing opportunities for your communities with this powerful suite of services for housing finance agencies, housing authorities, state and local agencies, and supportive-service organizations.
Blue magnifying glass pointing to a blue house known as marketplace
Marketplace Solution

Housing Locator

Our foundational product, the Housing Locator is a public-facing search and listing tool providing continually refreshed data about your Tax Credit, Section 8 / Housing Choice, HUD 811, accessible, subsidized and market-rate housing.

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Waitlist Management


Our Prescreening, Assessment, Intake, and Referral saves untold time and dollars with automated screening and application processes as you conduct required eligibility screening, manage your waitlists, and fill units with the tenants who need them. Detailed reports can be tailored to examine demographics and program outcomes.

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A blue doller icon signify as rental comp
Rent Reasonableness


You won’t believe how much time you'll save generating rental comparisons with our web-based rent reasonableness tool. Our easy-to-use tool works in conjunction with customized rent comparable data, providing you with the most accurate, robust, and up-to-date rental data on the market.

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Blue magnifying glass pointing to a blue addon icon
Add On Products

Customized Solutions

Track project funding. Increase housing opportunities. Locate housing for at-risk populations. Post housing and program news in real-time. Emphasys Housing Locator Add-Ons and Customizations will have you saying, “Why didn’t I think of that before?”

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Private Listing

Private Listing Portal for Recovery and Reentry Housing

We offer a restricted search portal, where specialized housing options such as recovery and halfway homes, set-aside units, and other housing for special populations are only searchable by authorized users. This platform facilitates landlord recruitment, creates a centralized database of privately searchable housing options, and tracks client placements.

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Waitlist and Lottery Solution

A next-gen solution to optimize your Housing Waitlist and Lottery program that streamlines processes, eliminating inefficiencies to ensure eligible households gain optimal access to opportunities. Operating on a user-friendly platform, it offers flexibility through customization tailored to your specific program needs.

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Maximum Accessibility

No other housing locator service offers this level of accessibility, care, and support. Emphasys Housing Locator services are available via ADA-compliant, multilingual websites and toll-free customer support.
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Fully accessible website and free to the public.

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Customized and branded for your region.

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Listings display +over 40 accessibility fields along with photos, neighborhood information and other details to help match tenants to units that meet their needs.