Lead has been used for many years in products found in and around our homes. Many homes built before 1978 have lead-based paint.
The owner or agent of the residential rental unit may register the residential rental unit on the lead-safe residential rental unit registry. Documentation provided must identify all units/buildings that are lead-safe.
For properties constructed in or after 1978, provide a copy of the County Auditor’s webpage(s) to verify date of construction for units and/or buildings built after January 1, 1978.
For properties constructed prior to 1978, provide documentation for lead free or lead-safe status. If documentation provided identifies the building(s) as lead-safe, registration must be updated annually.
Documentation required to list a residential property as Lead-Safe in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code, 3701-81.
Properties built after 1978
The owner or agent of the residential rental unit may register the residential rental unit on the lead-safe residential rental unit registry by providing evidence of the date the property was built. For example, a copy of the county auditor’s page indicating the date the property was constructed would be acceptable.
Properties built prior to 1978 determined to be "Lead free"
The owner or agent of the residential rental unit may register the residential rental unit on the lead-safe residential rental unit registry by providing an inspection report, completed by an Ohio licensed lead inspector or lead risk assessor, indicating that all painted/coated surfaces are free of lead-based paint. A Lead-free determination must meet all standards as defined in Ohio Administrative Code (O.A.C.) 3701-81-01(B).
Properties built prior to 1978
The owner or agent of the residential rental unit constructed prior to January 1, 1978, may register the residential rental unit on the lead-safe residential rental unit registry by implementing residential rental unit lead-safe maintenance practices. The following documentation must be submitted:
Proof of the performance of a visual examination in the areas of the residential rental unit as specified in section 3742.42(B) of the Ohio Revised Code (O.R.C.) using a form prescribed by the director of health to identify deteriorated paint, underlying damage, and other conditions that may cause exposure to lead.
A copy of a successful clearance examination conducted after the renovations or repairs identified above. The clearance submitted must have been completed within the preceding 12 months.
For Lead-Safe Maintenance Practices for rental unit/property constructed prior to January 1, 1978.
If the owner/operator chooses to do the work him or herself to make the residential unit lead-safe, they must implement residential rental unit lead-safe maintenance practices as set forth below:
If an owner/operator of the residential unit chooses to hire a contractor to perform the above listed visual assessment and repair to the areas identified through the visual examination that may cause exposure to lead, the contractor must meet one of the training requirements listed in items one through four above.
Record Retention Requirements to demonstrate compliance with the Lead-Safe Rule.
The property owner/manager is responsible for retaining all records necessary to demonstrate compliance with the work practice standards set forth in O.A.C. 3701-81, for a period of 3 years. This documentation includes, but is not limited to:
After you submit your property for lead safe/free registration, the Ohio Department of Health will review the information and approve the status or ask for additional information. If you have questions about how your property qualifies for a lead-safe status, contact leadregistry@odh.ohio.gov.