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302.2 Carpet

Carpet or carpet tile shall be securely attached and shall have a firm cushion, pad, or backing or no cushion or pad. Carpet or carpet tile shall have a level loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cut/uncut pile texture. Pile height shall be 1/2 inch (13 mm) maximum. Exposed edges of carpet shall be fastened to floor surfaces and shall have trim on the entire length of the exposed edge. Carpet edge trim shall comply with 303.

Advisory 302.2 Carpet. Carpets and permanently affixed mats can significantly increase the amount of force (roll resistance) needed to propel a wheelchair over a surface. The firmer the carpeting and backing, the lower the roll resistance. A pile thickness up to 1/2 inch (13 mm) (measured to the backing, cushion, or pad) is allowed, although a lower pile provides easier wheelchair maneuvering. If a backing, cushion or pad is used, it must be firm. Preferably, carpet pad should not be used because the soft padding increases roll resistance.

Carpet is shown in cross section with a pile height of 2 inch (13 mm) maximum, measured from the backing.
Figure 302.2
Carpet Pile Height

Copied with permission from: ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
Published in the Federal Register on July 23, 2004
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404.2.3 Door Width

404.2.3 Clear Width. Door openings shall provide a clear width of 32 inches (815 mm) minimum. Clear openings of doorways with swinging doors shall be measured between the face of the door and the stop, with the door open 90 degrees. Openings more than 24 inches (610 mm) deep shall provide a clear opening of 36 inches (915 mm) minimum. There shall be no projections into the required clear opening width lower than 34 inches (865 mm) above the finish floor or ground. Projections into the clear opening width between 34 inches (865 mm) and 80 inches (2030 mm) above the finish floor or ground shall not exceed 4 inches (100 mm).

EXCEPTIONS: 1. In alterations, a projection of 5/8 inch (16 mm) maximum into the required clear width shall be permitted for the latch side stop.

2. Door closers and door stops shall be permitted to be 78 inches (1980 mm) minimum above the finish floor or ground.

Figure (a) shows in plan view a hinged door open 90 degrees with a clear opening width 32 inches (815 mm) minimum, measured from the face of the door to the opposite stop.  Figure (b) shows an open sliding door with a clear opening width 32 inches (815 mm) minimum.  Figure (c) shows an open folding door with a clear opening width 32 inches (815 mm) minimum. Figure 404.2.3
Clear Width of Doorways

Copied with permission from: ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
Published in the Federal Register on July 23, 2004
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606.3 Vanity Height

606.3 Height. Lavatories and sinks shall be installed with the front of the higher of the rim or counter surface 34 inches (865 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground.

EXCEPTIONS: 1. A lavatory in a toilet or bathing facility for a single occupant accessed only through a private office and not for common use or public use shall not be required to comply with 606.3.
2. In residential dwelling unit kitchens, sinks that are adjustable to variable heights, 29 inches (735 mm) minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum, shall be permitted where rough-in plumbing permits connections of supply and drain pipes for sinks mounted at the height of 29 inches (735 mm).

EDITORS' NOTE: "Standard" bathroom vanity height is between 28-inches and 30-inches high. Lower vanities are more easily accessible. Minimum 27-inch knee clearance underneath allows for a wheelchair to roll up closer to the counter/sink.

Copied with permission from: ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
Published in the Federal Register on July 23, 2004
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Non-Digital Kitchen Appliances

It is preferable for kitchen appliances to have non-digital (have dials) controls for accessible use.

Front Controls on Appliances

It is preferable for appliances (i.e. stove/cook-tops) to have their controls accessible on the front of the device, not the top.

611 Washing Machines and Clothes Dryers - Accessible Laundry

611.1 General. Washing machines and clothes dryers shall comply with 611.

611.2 Clear Floor Space. A clear floor or ground space complying with 305 positioned for parallel approach shall be provided. The clear floor or ground space shall be centered on the appliance.

611.3 Operable Parts. Operable parts, including doors, lint screens, and detergent and bleach compartments shall comply with 309.

611.4 Height. Top loading machines shall have the door to the laundry compartment located 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish floor. Front loading machines shall have the bottom of the opening to the laundry compartment located 15 inches (380 mm) minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the finish floor.

Figure (a) shows a top loading machine with the door to the laundry compartment 36 inches (915 mm) maximum above the floor.  Figure (b) shows a front loading machine with the bottom of the opening to the laundry compartment 15 to 36 inches (380 to 915 mm) above the floor.
  Figure 611.4 Height of Laundry Compartment Opening

Copied with permission from: ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
Published in the Federal Register on July 23, 2004
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804.3.2 Kitchen Work Surface

804.3.2 Height. The kitchen work surface shall be 34 inches (865 mm) maximum above the finish floor or ground.

EXCEPTION: A counter that is adjustable to provide a kitchen work surface at variable heights, 29 inches (735 mm) minimum and 36 inches (915 mm) maximum, shall be permitted.

Copied with permission from: ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
Published in the Federal Register on July 23, 2004
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809.5 Fire Alarms - Smoke/Carbon Monoxide Detector

809.5.1 Building Fire Alarm System. Where a building fire alarm system is provided, the system wiring shall be extended to a point within the residential dwelling unit in the vicinity of the residential dwelling unit smoke detection system.

809.5.1.1 Alarm Appliances. Where alarm appliances are provided within a residential dwelling unit as part of the building fire alarm system, they shall comply with 702.

809.5.1.2 Activation. All visible alarm appliances provided within the residential dwelling unit for building fire alarm notification shall be activated upon activation of the building fire alarm in the portion of the building containing the residential dwelling unit.

809.5.2 Residential Dwelling Unit Smoke Detection System. Residential dwelling unit smoke detection systems shall comply with NFPA 72 (1999 or 2002 edition) (incorporated by reference, see "Referenced Standards" in Chapter 1).

809.5.2.2 Activation. All visible alarm appliances provided within the residential dwelling unit for smoke detection notification shall be activated upon smoke detection.

809.5.3 Interconnection. The same visible alarm appliances shall be permitted to provide notification of residential dwelling unit smoke detection and building fire alarm activation.

809.5.4 Prohibited Use. Visible alarm appliances used to indicate residential dwelling unit smoke detection or building fire alarm activation shall not be used for any other purpose within the residential dwelling unit.

Copied with permission from: ADA and ABA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities
Published in the Federal Register on July 23, 2004
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Accessible flooring

Flooring that is easy to navigate with a wheelchair, walker, or other maneuvering aid, including hardwood, vinyl, tile, marble, slate, and low pile carpet.

Accessible light switches

54” above the finished floor (A.F.F.) with an available side approach. 48” AFF or 40” AFF if at a counter are also acceptable.

Walk-in Shower

Shower at a minimum 36” x 36” with a maximum 2” ledge and mounted grab bars

Entry Location

From Outside - Access to the unit is directly from the outside.
From Interior Hallway - Access to the unit is from an interior hallway or common area.

Lever Style Door Handles

The door handles are of the lever type instead of a knob.

Automatic Entry Door

Entry door(s) can be operated automatically with a push plate access, pressure plate or motion type sensor and does not require the person entering the unit to manually open the door.

Kitchen Counter Height

"Standard" kitchen counter height is between 30-inches and 32-inches high. Lower counters are more easily accessible. Minimum 27-inch knee clearance underneath allows for a wheelchair to roll up closer to the counter/sink.

Within Paratransit Route

The unit is located in an area served by a paratransit service that provides door-to-door or curb-to-curb transportation for qualified persons.

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