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Types of Rental Housing

There are different types of housing you can search for on this web site. For example, you can choose a type of place (apartment, single family home). You will also find information on this web site about different types of housing programs funded by the government (Section 8/Housing Choice). Below are some descriptions that may help you to understand your housing options.


Three or more units in a common building.

Assisted Living Facility

A facility which offers in-home care in a group setting.

Boarding House

A facility that offers rooms for rent and provides meals.


A complex of dwelling units in which each unit is individually owned, but the owner may rent out the unit, if permitted.

Duplex / Double / 2-Family

Side by side or up and down units in a common building.

Efficiency / Studio

Typically a one-room unit with an enclosed bathroom and limited kitchen facilities.

Fixed Below-Market Rate Rental Housing

A general term used to refer to housing where rents are lower than market rate (what people would normally pay for renting the unit), but where the rent is not based on a percentage of the tenant’s income. Rent is generally based on a specified percentage of the median income for the area, and a tenant may have to be within a certain income range to live there.

Halfway Houses

Although not listed on this web site (because it is not considered permanent housing), halfway houses are places that provide housing and supportive services for people being released from prison, people with substance abuse issues, people who are mentally ill, or others who need help to move toward independent living.

Income-Based Rental Housing

A general term used to refer to housing where the tenant pays rent based on his income. Generally, the lower the income, the lower the rent. A common example is that a tenant may be asked to pay 30% of his income for rent. May also be called Sliding Scale.

Lease / Purchase Housing

A dwelling, generally a single-family unit or duplex, which is rented for a specified period of time with an option to purchase at the end of the lease period.

Market Rate Rental Housing

A general term used to refer to units where the rents are set by the landlord based on how much the unit is worth in the market (i.e., units that are not subsidized or discounted).

Public Housing

Housing owned by a local public housing agency. Tenants generally pay 30% of their income toward rent, and qualify based on family income (less than or equal to 80% of the median household income for the area) and other factors.

Section 8 Project Based Subsidy

Privately owned (either for-profit or non-profit) rental housing that is made available to people with low incomes. A contract between HUD (U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) and the property owner governs the administration of the subsidies. Subsidies are paid directly to the owner of the property, who then rents units to tenants who generally pay 30% of their income toward rent. Some units are available specifically for those 62 and older, those who are chronically mentally ill, people with AIDS, families, and those with mobility-impairments.

Section 8 Voucher

Also known as the Housing Choice Voucher. Tenants receive a voucher and find a private landlord willing to lease to them and accept the voucher. Tenants generally pay 30% of their income toward rent and HUD (U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development) pays the rest.

Shared Living Facility

Rooms for rent sharing common indoor living areas.

Shelter Plus Care

Provides rental subsidies to individuals who are involved with a participating agency and their families. Eligible applicants must be aged 18 or older, low-income, homeless, AND have specific disabilities. Participants pay approximately 30% of their income toward rent and utilities, and the program pays the remainder of the rent. Eligible housing must be inspected and approved by the agency to meet federal Housing Quality Standards (HQS).

Veteran or VASH

Local and federal programs offer housing assistance as well as housing counseling and other support to Veterans. VASH (or HUD-VASH: the Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing program) combines Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) rental assistance with case management and clinical services from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). For more information about VASH and other assistance programs available to Veterans and their families, visit Opens new browser window

Accessible/Adaptable Rental Housing

This property meets one of the following descriptions:

Type A Unit  A dwelling unit designed and constructed for accessibility in accordance with the Chicago Building Code and provisions for Type A units in the ICC A117.1 Standard. Designed and constructed with elements that are adaptable and accessible for people who use wheelchairs.
Type B Unit  A dwelling unit designed and constructed for accessibility in accordance with the Chicago Building Code and provisions for Type B units in the ICC A117.1 Standard. These units are adaptable and useable by persons with mobility disabilities.
Type C Unit  A dwelling unit designed and constructed for limited accessibility in accordance with the Chicago Building Code and provisions for Type C visitable units in the ICC A117.1 Standard. A no- step unit entrance and circulation path through the accessible level.
Type M Section 504 Unit  A dwelling unit designed and constructed for accessibility for persons using mobility devices or with decreased mobility in accordance with the federal 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design (ADAS) or Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS).
Type HV Section 504 Unit  A dwelling unit designed and constructed for accessibility for persons who are blind and low vision or Deaf and hard of hearing in accordance with the federal 2010 ADA Standards or Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards (UFAS).

Non-Lottery Inclusionary Zoning (IZ)/Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) - Washington DC

Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) IZ registrants only. This home is offered through the DC government's IZ affordable housing program. Prospective renters/purchasers must be registered in the IZ program to rent or buy the unit. If you are registered, to proceed contact the Sales or Leasing Agent listed in this ad. To register for future IZ units, you must first take the IZ orientation and then create an IZ registration. Learn more on the DHCD IZ webpage.

Lottery Inclusionary Zoning (IZ)/Affordable Dwelling Unit (ADU) - Washington DC

Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) lottery invitees only. This home is offered through the DC government's IZ affordable housing program. Prospective renters/purchasers are selected in a random lottery. You must receive an email invitation from DHCD to participate in the lottery for this property. To register for future lotteries for other properties, you must first take the IZ orientation and then create an IZ registration. Learn more on the DHCD IZ webpage.

Lottery Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) Unit - City of Newark

These are units designated as affordable through the City Of Newark Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (IZO). The IZO requires that a minimum number of units be set aside for low income residents at developments of a certain size. You can visit this webpage for more information on what affordability means in Newark.

SLARCH Initiative to End Veteran Homelessness

The St. Louis Area Regional Commission on Homelessness (SLARCH) comprises dedicated stakeholders from the St. Louis Metropolitan Region who are focused on ending homelessness in the St. Louis region. The Commission's first initiative is to end Veteran homelessness by November 11, 2019 - Veterans Day. With your support, our region will be able to reach this goal! This icon symbolizes your commitment to partner with the Commission to reduce barriers to housing and support the initiative. For more information: and

Transitions to Community Living Voucher (TCLV)

A Transition to Community Living Voucher is tenant-based rental assistance for individuals eligible for the Transitions to Community Living Initiative which was designed to divert and transition individuals with severe and persistent mental illness from institutional settings to live in the least restrictive community settings of their choice with individualized supportive services. Individuals interested in this voucher must be referred by Local Management Entity/Managed? Care Organization (approved by the NC Department of health and Human Services) who administer the voucher.

New Jersey Supportive Housing Connection

This program links individuals with disabilities to quality affordable housing in the community and provides ongoing community-based support services through a partnership between the New Jersey Department of Human Services (NJDHS) and the New Jersey Housing and Mortgage Finance Agency (NJHMFA). Tenants will have vouchers for partial rent and supports in place to help them be successful, long-term renters. A dedicated helpline is available to landlords. Visit the SHC information page for more information.

Rental Assistance

Identifies properties being actively promoted to tenants receiving rental assistance or rental subsidies. Rental assistance may come in the form of a voucher or rental subsidy payments for a guaranteed portion of the tenant's rent. Landlords, want to make a difference and have a tenant with benefits like guaranteed rent and dedicated support staff? Consider promoting your listings to tenants receiving rental assistance by marking your listings as "Promote this unit to rental assistance programs." Depending on the program, the subsidy may cover the tenant’s entire rent or the subsidy may cover a specific portion of the tenant's rent.

Central Florida Supportive Housing

Central Florida Supportive Housing provides assistance to tenants in Orange, Osceola and Seminole Counties. Tenants will have home visits to help them be successful long-term renters who care for your properties. Benefits to you include portions of guaranteed rent, a number to call with concerns, a damages fund and more. For more details, please see the information page.


Although not listed on this web site, shelters are places that provide a temporary place to stay (usually a few days to a few weeks) for people who have no permanent housing. These are considered “emergency shelters” because you have fairly quick access to a place to stay (there is no complex application process). Types of shelters include homeless, domestic violence, and runaway shelters. Information on shelters can be obtained in most regions by calling 2-1-1, 24 hours a day, every day.

Single-Family Home

A freestanding single-family dwelling.

Single Room Occupancy (SRO)

A multi-room facility that offers single rooms for rent, typically with shared kitchen facilities.

Sober Living Facilities

Also known as 3/4-way housing. Properties where all residents have agreed to remain alcohol and drug-free. It is generally less restrictive than a halfway house. Some facilities may have shared bathroom and/or kitchen facilities, and/or may provide meals to residents.

Subsidized Housing

Also known as Government Subsidized Housing, this is the general term used to refer to any housing that is paid for in part by the local, state or federal government. Subsidized housing allows the tenant to pay rent that is less than market rate – often based on a percentage of the tenant’s income.

Project Based Vouchers

Project Based Vouchers provide assistance to eligible families, including the elderly and persons with disabilities, who use a voucher that is attached to an affordable safe decent rental unit. Project Based vouchers are used at selected developments where providers of supportive services focus on special needs populations.

The Way Home Houston

The Way Home Houston is a nationally recognized network of services to help homeless families, Veterans, and individuals stabilize in housing. The Way Home tenants receive training about the importance of paying rent on time, being respectful neighbors, and taking care of their home. Tenants will have a dedicated advocate to contact with any issues. Market your property to this program to help prevent and end homelessness. Visit for more information.

Moderate Income Housing Unit or MIHU program

Communities that participate in the Moderate Income Housing Unit program offer units at below market rents to income eligible households.

Tax Credit Properties

Buildings where the landlord received a tax break to develop the property and, in return, must offer a certain number of units at below market rents.

Transitional Housing

Although not listed on this web site (because it is not considered permanent housing), these programs offer a temporary place to stay for people who are trying to live on their own, but who do not currently have the financial resources or the ability to do so. These programs usually provide supportive services to help people become better prepared for independent living. Some programs require that people be transitioning from an emergency shelter. Transitional housing is gen dnerally provided with a higher degree of privacy than short-term homeless shelters; may be provided at no cost or low-cost to the resident, and may be configured for specialized groups such as veterans, people with AIDS/HIV, domestic violence victims, people with disabilities and other groups. Information on shelters can be obtained in most regions by calling 2-1-1, 24 hours a day, every day.

Some definitions have been adapted in part from the AIRS/INFO LINE Taxonomy of Human Services. Copyrighted materials reproduced with permission from Opens new browser window 211 L.A. County

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